Videos Of The Week
A Look At The Big Picture For Commodities And Current Events & An Update On Project Zimbabwe
It’s been an interesting week in markets, but I should have a couple posts out this week after this one. As far as videos, a couple stood out that might be worth checking out for readers. The first covers commodities, current events, and the outlook for where we are headed in coming years. The second covers what different asset classes might look like in “Project Zimbabwe”, a moniker for a highly inflationary environment.
John Polomny Weekly Recap
I enjoy watching the weekly recaps John Polomny puts out. He covers different things going on with commodities, headlines from around the world, and usually wraps up with an entertaining rant on the state of the world. This week he talked about Anglo American rejecting BHP’s takeover proposal, the coming copper deficit and how electricity demand will have an impact. He also covered the returns of different asset classes and sectors in the 1970s, and the situation with nuclear power plants in Germany. He also talked about the proxy wars we have going on, Biden’s recent capital gains tax proposal (which I would be shocked if that went through), and his long term predictions for the West.
All the things that worked for the last forty years probably aren’t going to work as well going forward.
- John Polomny
Forward Guidance w/ Harris Kupperman
Kuppy was on Forward Guidance this week to talk about “Project Zimbabwe”, a term he coined to describe the coming inflationary period he sees on the horizon. They discuss Federal Reserve policy, his outlook for oil, uranium, and gold. They discuss a couple companies I own as well with the section on offshore oil services. I have been trying to poke holes in my thesis that we are in for an inflationary decade, but I think more and more signs are pointing to higher average inflation and potentially higher interest rates in coming years. I will be reevaluating that idea along the way, but I think the cycle has shifted and I have positioned my portfolio accordingly.